Thursday, August 20, 2015

This band is a Terrible Joke

Zen Lunaticsの活動でバンドやる勢いを止められなくて、新しくバンド組みました。ひどい冗談みたいなバンドやりたくて「Terrible Joke」という名前を付けました。

I had so much fun in Zen Lunatics that I decided to start another band. I think we managed to choose name that encompasses the kind of attitude I want for the band. Please meet “Terrible Joke”.

ピンボー(ボーカル)がやりたく結成しました。ゼンルナのギターとして成長できたものの(まだまだ下手だけど)、今まで一番尊敬してきたのはハードコアのボーカルでした。Los Crudos/Limp WristのマーティンやBaneのAaronなどたくさんあります。

I formed Terrible Joke with as the vocalist. While I really grew as a guitarist in Zen Lunatics (though I still am not that good a player), I have always looked up to hardcore vocalists. Some of my favorites include Los Crudos/Limp Wrist’s Martin Sorrondeguy, Bane’s Aaron Bedard, and many more.


I am so happy to have found three musicians to back me up that bring the performance quality of our band way above the level of a “terrible joke”. Takuto, on guitar, punishes the riffs into his flying V with his silky flowing hair and his charming smile. Kaoru, on bass, brings his thrash roots into his punk persona bringing the metal out of the simple three-chord riffs. Tom, on drums, while at times an out of control party animal, maximizes the rhythm and groove without sacrificing the high-speed attack.


We’ve only been together a couple months. So far I have written the riffs and lyrics for all 13 songs, but from here on out I think creative input from the other members and the positive fun atmosphere among the four of us will really help us develop as a pretty cool band.


My main goal in this band is just to have fun. Please come and check out our shows, and if you’re putting on a show, think about giving us an invite!


Here are a couple of videos from our first shows to check out.


Our next show is this Sunday in Socrates, a small but awesome venue in Kyoto. Come check us out!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A Zen Lunatic Today, Tomorrow, and Forever / 永遠に禅ルナティック

 Dani, the lead singer of Zen Lunatics, went back to the States last week. While he was planning on eventually going back in search of his next stage in his journey as a Zen Lunatics, he had to go a bit sooner than planned for some medical treatment.

先週末Zen LunaticsボーカルのDaniが帰国した。禅探しを続けるために、以前からアメリカに帰るするつもりだったけど、少し治療が必要になったため早めの帰国になってしまった。

After a lifetime of putsing around on the guitar, going to shows, and some short-lived musical projects, this was my first proper band at the age of 27. I am so proud to have made such excellent music, played killer shows, and made some beautiful friends among my bandmates and in the scene.


For me, the best symbol of our accomplishments as a band is our vinyl release of our first properly recorded record, “Sacred Mountain Blues”. Releasing the record has taught me so much about music and how cool the vinyl format is. You can listen to the whole thing here.

バンドの功績として残せたものと言えば、自分にとって一番大切なのは「Sacred Mountain Blues」のアナログレコードリリース。このリリースを出すにあたって、音楽やヴァイナルの魅力などたくさん学ぶ機会になった。こちらで全部無料で聞けるので是非。

Zen Lunatics is far from finished. We are planning on recording new music, with Dani recording vocals from overseas. We are still discussing how to release the new music.


Also, I will cover for vocals for our two shows in November. Please come to our shows in Osaka on November 14th and Kyoto on November 28th if you are in town. Not only will we do our best to put on a killer show, but the other bands on those days are simply amazing.



ADV ¥2,000 DOOR ¥2,500 +1drInk ¥500
OPEN 17:30 START 18:00~

In Defence (アメリカ)
Zen Lunatics (京都)
By-pass (滋賀)
Katsuyama i.d
The In the mirrors


Sacred Mountain Blues Vol. 6
Sk8niks & Scottish Fold Release Show in Kyoto
Nov. 28, 2015 (Saturday)
Scottish Fold
manchester school≡
Zen Lunatics
Studio 246 Kyoto (near Hankyu Omiya Station)
1000 yen Open: 17:30 Start: 18:00