On Wednesday, November 11, I am putting on a show in Kyoto to welcome my favorite hometown band. I did my best to put together a killer event for this day, and I wrote an introduction about the show. I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to read it.
フライヤーはもう一つやっているバンドゼンルナティックスのギターのキョウヂが作ってくれた。彼はいつもゼンルナのフライヤーやロゴなど作ってくれて、いつも僕の大好きな感じです。そんなキョウヂが僕の新しいバンドの第1企画のも作ってくれたの嬉しいです。キョウヂは「手書き」や「文字」にこだわっていて、バンド名も一つずつIn Defenceのロゴを意識したのかと思うようなかっこいい出来上がりになっています。
The flyer was hand-drawn by my Kyozi, guitarist for my other band Zen Lunatics. He has drawn a bunch of flyers for Zen Lunatics and I always love them. I am really happy he drew the flyer for the first event hosted by my new band. He has a passion for his designs, and is especially interested in hand-drawing different fonts. I really like how he themed all of the band names based on the original "In Defence" logo.
Venue: Gattaca in Kyoto (near Saiin Station, Hankyu Line)
Gattaca is a somewhat new venue near Saiin Station in Kyoto. It is a short walk from the station, so very easy to get to on your way home from work/school, or to go back to Osaka or Kobe after the show on the last train. The venue is narrow and has a very low stage that allows for a very close experience with the band, while making no sacrifices for stage equipment so you can count on loud, powerful rock and roll.
京都の平日でどのライブハウスでやるのかを迷っていたとき、ガタカのスタッフそして京都ハードコアバンドnimのハヤトさんにガタカを勧められて、企画するに当たってとても親切に協力してくれたので、ガタカさんのみなさんのおかげで最高なイベントを組み、In Defenceをうまく京都に歓迎することができそうです。
The reason I chose to do it at Gattaca is Hayato, a staff member at the venue and a member of the Kyoto hardcore band “nim”, encouraged me to do it at the venue and is providing a lot of support to put on the show. I want to thank the venue for their kindness and help.
I know it’s a weekday show, but I really did my best to put together a lineup that would rival any weekend show, and I definitely think it’s worth seeing even if you can’t make every band. It’s okay if you come late or have to leave early (but you might miss the headliner).
Here is a short description of each of the bands.
In Defence (USA)
In Defenceはアメリカ・ミネソタ州・ミネアポリス市のスラッシュ、ハードコア、パンク、とメタルを最高に融合するバンド。ファニーであったり、真剣であったり、ヘドバンさせられることは間違ありません。In Defence is a band from Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA). They have the perfect combination of hardcore, punk and metal, sure to get you headbanging, with lyrics that are sometimes political, sometimes silly, and often both.
In Defenceは今まで、アメリカ全国を数回、ヨーロッパ14ヵ国、そしてプエルトリコのツアーを果たしており、今日本、オーストラリアとニュージーランドツアーに向けて準備中です。
アメリカ国内では、Toxic Holocaust、Verbal Abuse、MDC、Goatwhore、Ramming Speedと一緒にツアーするほか、Danzig、Cro-Mags、Municipal Wasteのオープニングアクトを果たしてきました。
In Defence has toured a lot, with several US tours, 14 countries and Europe, and even Puerto Rico. They are leaving again very soon for their very first Japan, Australia and New Zealand tour.
私は初期のころから地元でライブを見てきた大好きなバンドです。In Defenceが日本に来たら
When I started going to punk shows, In Defence was one of the bands I saw the most. I became a huge fan. After moving to Japan, I always thought it would be fun if I ever go to see them in Japan.
そういうきっかけで自分は京都編を主催することを決めて、Terrible Jokeという未練の新しいバンドで企画することになりました。
One day, I got an email out of the blue from the guitarist Jimmy, who told me that In Defence wanted to tour Japan, and they were looking for someone to help. I had only just started playing in bands about a year before that, and I never would have imagined that I would be setting up a show for In Defence! I decided to host their Kyoto show with my new hardcore band Terrible Joke.
Esperanza Viva
In Defenceが地元のクロスオーバーバンドの代表であるとともに、関西のクロスオーバースラッシュ代表を呼ぼうと思って、Esperanza Vivaに声をかけました。Esperanza Vivaは前に、Completed ExpositionにZen Lunaticsで呼ばれたときに対バンしたことがあって、そのきっかけで知りました。とにかく僕とZLボーカルのダニーとライブを見て「かっこいいししっかりしてるし・・・そうやって演奏するべきだよね」と感心して後で話しました。とにかくEsperanza VivaとIn Defenceの共演で盛り上がって楽しくなっていくのが間違いないと思います。Esperanza Vivaの解散が惜しくも今年いっぱいまでと発表されましたので、京都で見れるチャンスこれが最後になるかもしれません。
Esperanza Viva are here to answer the thrash crossover call. I really wanted a band to represent local crossover as In Defence brings its own vein of Minneapolis thrash. I met Esperanza Viva when I played with them as part of my other band Zen Lunatics, set up by Completed Exposition. Their performance was awesome and their thrash metal onslaught was spot on. I was sure after seeing them that they should be a band to play with In Defence.
Esperanza Viva recently announced they will be breaking up at the end of the year, so this may be the last chance to see them in Kyoto.
VMO (旧/formerly Vampillia Blackest Ever Black Metal)
このラインアップの中でかなり話題性のあるアクトだと思います。Vampilliaはご存じですか? あのBiS(BiSH)などとコラボを果たせたブラックメタルバンドですよ。世界にも人気を広げている大阪の最強のバンドです。
今回はVampilliaの新しい別ユニットVMO(Violent Magic Orchestra)に出演していただくことになりました。
VMO is definitely a band that stands out on this lineup.
They are a side project of the black metal band Vampillia. Vampillia is famous around the world, and produces collaborations with famous artists of many genres, including J-pop idol group BiS (now BiSH).
For their VMO project, instead of a physical drummer, they use pre-programmed EDM/noise tracks by famous overseas producers, and layer it with their brand of black metal madness, and even strobe lights and other effects to wrap you into a dark, magical world.
Even if you aren’t familiar with black metal, I think this is an act that anyone can enjoy, and another flavor from their usual act for Vampillia fans.
In Defenceは僕にとって地元の最高のバンドで一緒にできるのは最高の光栄だと思います。言ったら大先輩みたいなものです。それなりに関西のパンクシーンの代表を呼びたかったです。
Constrictedは滋賀のバンドでHardcore Kitchenからリリースされており、ハイテンション・ソウルフルハードコアパンクです。こんな風にツボに入るのはハードコアパンクが大好きです。In Defenceのみなさんにだけじゃなくて、いろんなパンクやハードコアが好きな人にも見てもらいたいバンドです。
It is a really big honor for me to be opening for In Defence, true heroes of the local scene back home. That is why I did my best to book a band that was equally a strong presence in the local punk scene over here.
Constricted answered the call, and I am really stoked that they accepted to be a part of our event.
Constricted is a band from Shiga, with releases on Hardcore Kitchen, a local label that has many great local bands including bands of S.O.B. members By-Pass and Anti-Spectacle.
They really represent the power, energy and soul that I love about Japanese punk rock, which has a kind of flavor that you don’t really get abroad. I’m happy that In Defence gets to see them, and I hope others who are interested in hardcore and punk rock come check them out too.
Flat Sucks
パンクはこうあるべきだ、と言いたくなるバンドです。「世紀末大運動会青春放浪」ハードコアパンクです。去年ジャパニーズパンクス代表としてバンコクでの遠征も大盛況に終わり、「人が集まるとろくなことがない」「I’m sorry I’m Japanese, I don’t speak English」「お昼寝するよ、夜には眠れないから!」などとクソ社会に対してハイエナ―ジー・ハイスピードで叫んでいくバンドです。とにかく楽しくなるパフォーマンスで、関西のとてもいいバンドだと思います。
This band really embodies what I think a punk band should be. They play what they call “Japanese fantastic athletic punk”, and in what reminds me of a sillier version of the Los Crudos attitude, they sing all in Japanese, with only one song in English, whose lyrics are, “Sorry, I am Japanese! I don’t speak English!” Bashing on society and the pressure of not being able to get a full time job, this high-energy high-speed band puts on an awesome show that even got the crowd in a frenzy during their tour to Bangkok last year.
They recently put out a four-way international cassette split, which is awesome for a band who sings almost exclusively in Japanese.
Terrible Joke
最後に、自分のバンド「Terrible Joke」です。変態グラインドコアバンド「痴漢シェフ」のトムをドラムに、この日出演の「Flat Sucks」ボーカルかおるをベースに、Ex-AnotherwearとOUTATBEROのベース・タクトをギターに、そしてZen Lunaticsギター担当の自分を立ちボーカルに、とにかく関西で一番雰囲気の楽しいヤツラを集めてみたら演奏の相性も良くて楽しい、早い、短い曲のバンドができました。
パンクハードコアに小さじのパワーバイオレンスとユーモア、「このバンドはひどい冗談みたい」の意味も「この社会なんてひどい冗談みたい」の意味も込めて「Terrible Joke」というバンド名にしました。これから活動広げていきたいバンドですので暖かく見守ってください!
Lastly, my band Terrible Joke. Made up of Tom on drums, who most recently played drums on the freaky sexy grind band “Chikan Chef”, Kaoru on bass, who is the awesome vocalist for Flat Sucks, and Kaoru on guitar, Ex-Anotherwear and Outatbero member with the silky flowing hair and beautiful smile.
So far, we have written about 15 short and fast songs. With a bit of hardcore, a bit of powerviolence, and a bit of humor, the band name plays on the fact that “our band is a terrible joke” as well as “this society is a terrible joke.” It’s just a start for us, but please check us out and if you like us, support us as we spread hardcore punk throughout Japan!
最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございます!このひのチケット予約、お問い合わせ、そしてバンドなどについての質問、気軽に terriblejokejapan [@] gmail.com までぜひメールしてみてください!お待ちしております!!!!
Thanks for reading! Feel free to e-mail us at terriblejokejapan [@] gmail.com to reserve a ticket, or questions about the show, the bands, or anything at all!