Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Sk8niks & Scottish Fold Release Show in Kyoto by Zen Lunatics 和英紹介ブログ

Sacred Mountain Blues Vol. 6 
Sk8niks & Scottish Fold Release Show in Kyoto 
Nov. 28, 2015 (Saturday) 
Scottish Fold 
manchester school≡ 
ハクバ (hakuba)  
Zen Lunatics 
Studio 246 Kyoto (near Hankyu Omiya Station) 
1000 yen Open: 17:30 Start: 18:00

The last event of the year hosted by Zen Lunatics! Cheap tickets, cheap drinks, six incredibly awesome bands on a Saturday night, and cool people to hang out with. Right on the Hankyu Line so easy to get there and back. We are looking forward to seeing you.


The flyer was made by Zen Lunatics vocalist Dani. I've gotten so many "cooooool"s passing around this flyer. It's this awesome sense of aesthetic and nature Dani has that really shapes our band's lyrics as well. Dani is currently back home in the US, so unfortunately he won't be singing, but thanks to the flyer Dani will give us the energy to rage on.


Band intros / バンド紹介

Sk8niks and Scottish Fold

The “Golden Tag Team of Punk Rock” have put their forces together to release a split on 7” vinyl (CD included). About once a month or so, they have been travelling around Japan to perform release shows. Zen Lunatics was honored with the task of putting on their Kyoto release show. We are a new hardcore punk band in the local scene, so we want to do our best to put on an amazing show for our sempai. If I’m not mistaken, this is the last release show before their final two-man release show in Osaka next year. We have put together a lineup of bands that I truly believe showcases the best of rock, hardcore punk, and good people in the Kyoto and Osaka scene.

自称「パンクロックのゴールデン・タグティーム」が力を合わせてスプリット7インチ(CD付)をリリースしました。1ヶ月に一回程度に、日本の各地を回ってリリースツアーを行ってきました。そんな彼らのリリースツアーの京都編の企画を、このZen Lunaticsに依頼が来ました。大変光栄です。われわれはまだまだシーンで新米なので、大先輩のために力を尽くして楽しい夜を用意します。(情報が間違ってたらすみませんが)これが来年行われる大阪でのツアーファイナルの2マンの前まで最後のリリースギグです。京都かつ大阪のロック、パンク、ハードコアの代表となる6バンドを勢ぞろいしていただきます。しかも入っているメンバーも全員最高な人間ばっかりです。


It’s hard to believe this 15-year old band has had some line-up changes in recent years, because the current lineup is a rock and roll powerhouse! Call it skate rock, skate punk, whatever you want, get your fists in the air, your body in the pit, and start rocking out to this band.
We got to know this band through original Zen Lunatics vocalist Dani, who was skateboarding friends with one of the ex-members of the band, so we invited them to play our show. It was very exciting when they said yes, and it was one of the biggest names on one of our show lists yet.


Scottish Fold

True hardcore punk legends from Osaka, Japan, these guys have been around for about 25 years! And 25 years later they haven’t let up one bit! And only one member change throughout that time, with the addition of Sensei-Ikeda on drums in 1993 (ex-Mortalized). Their intense ferocity powers through both hardcore punk-style positive attitude lyrics as well as songs about pro wrestling and baseball, and the vocalist constantly engages with the audience making their shows an active experience. Awesome band for anyone who likes fast, intense music.

Scottish Fold は大阪のハードコアの伝説のバンドです。25年間経っても一切迫力の劣りを見せないアンドです。プロレスや野球の歌詞を含み、ハードコアらしく怒りやポジティブアティテュードのテーマなどを使って、ボーカルのやまちょんさんが客さんと一つになってステージとフロアをつなげてみんなに忘れられない経験をさせてくれます。早い、迫力のある音楽が好きな人にはお勧めです。

Scottish Fold HP


3-piece grindcore / hardcore band from Kyoto. I have also found Kyoto to be a home to very high quality grindcore-centered hardcore acts in the wake of local heroes SxOxB, and Dimwit is no exception. No-nonsense ferocious songs and performance, this band has quickly become representatives of what Kyoto has to offer in terms of hardcore punk. Part of the 3-way split CD with By-Pass and Low Card de la Morte released by Hardcore Kitchen, one of my favorite recent local releases.

京都ローカルの3人組グラインド・ハードコアバンド。自分が京都に住んで以来、新たにグラインド中心のハードコアバンドを発見するたびに、その迫力とクオリーティーに圧倒されました。Dimwitもその例外でもなんでもありません。ドストレートな激突の音楽と演奏が、もはやまたもう一つの京都ハードコア代表となっています。ハードコアキッチンリリースのDimwit、By-Pass、Low Card de la Morteによる3-wayスプリットCDも個人的に最近お気に入りのローカル音源です。

Dimwit Facebook Page

manchester school≡

This has been one of my favorite bands in the Osaka punk scene for a few years now, so it is hard to put into a concise paragraph why they are so great. Their music, a mix of Buzzcocks style romantic melodic punk and Gang Green style fast no-nonsense hardcore punk, sung in Japanese is flawlessly executed, while their performance stirs up a raging energy that so few bands pull off. Basically put, this band is really, really fun. I recommend watch their music videos a few times, and come to the show and sing along with us. They have a CD released by Razor’s Edge Kenji’s label, Thrash on Life Records.

マンチェはこの何年間か僕にとってお気に入りのバンドで、好きな理由が簡潔な文書にまとめにくいです。ブリティッシュメロディックパンクに早い安い旨いアメハーな音のちょうどいいバランスが日本語の歌詞で完璧に成し遂げられます。しかしそのライブパフォーマンス!こんなにエネルギーに巻き込まれる力があるバンドは少ないと思います。簡単にいうと、とても楽しいバンドです。PVを見まくって、歌詞を覚えて、一緒に歌いに来ればいいと思います。レイザーズエッジのケンジさんによるレーベル、Thrash on Life RecordsよりCDをリリースもしています。

ハクバ (Hakuba)
While maybe the least “hardcore” band of the night, to me they are probably the most “punk”. Three-piece all-girl rock, fronted by bass-vocalist Caitlyn, a performance dance student, who writes the most awesome lyrics in both Japanese and English, accompanied by the guitarist and drummer who really know how to rock. Hakuba has been playing very actively in the past year and for good reason, they are a really cool band and I recommend you come and check them out.


ハクバ (hakuba) facebook page

Zen Lunatics

Fast! Cheap! Dumb! Well, those are the lyrics to one of the songs. We like to rock out to songs about one-cup sake, monks running blindfolded in mountains, and general wabisabi fare. We released a 10-song EP on one-sided 12” vinyl, which you can listen into its entirety here. This is our last show of the year, and we really want you to come hang with us. We will probably play less next year, as we have a different temporary lineup, and also we want to record some music.


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