Saturday, April 21, 2012

New Music Kenkyukai, a student-run metal band club

Ritsumeikan University has a pretty awesome metal cover-band student club called New Music Kenkyukai (New-Ken). They form cover bands of all kinds of genres, from rock bands like Queen and Motley Crue, to metal acts like Arch Enemy and Anthrax, to emo-core bands.

There are some really talented musicians in this club, and some New-Ken members go on to form bands after graduation.

New-Ken has been putting on shows this week in collaboration with other music clubs on campus in part to try and convince a few new students to join.

立命館大学では、「ニューミュージック研究会」(ニュー研)というメタルバンドコピー中心としたメッチャかっこいいバンドサークルがある。コピーバンドの幅はホントに広い:ハードロックのQueenとMotley Crueや、ガチメタルのArch EnemyとAnthrax、エモコアまでジャンルにこだわらずとりあえずかっこいい音を出す、って感じ。



Their main event is during the school festival in the fall, at the only metal event at a university in the Kansai area (I think). I highly recommend going to this. The students put a lot of work into each performance. Awesome guest bands from around Japan also play at this event.
ニュー研のメインイベントは立命館学際の一部として行われるRITS METAL。関西で唯一の大学メタルイベント(だっけ?)。

This weekend, at Growly, a venue near Nijo station in Kyoto, Kiba of Akiba (キバオブアキバ), a band featuring New-Ken members will play as part of Tokyo act Angagement’s tour.
Kiba of Akiba is just tons of fun. Just watch their official video to see what I mean.


Also playing is Kyoto’s female-fronted Japanese metal act AufHeben. They have lots of energy and Japanese metal is melodious and awesome.

The show is Sunday, April 22, Open 17:00 Start 17:30.

Another band that features a New-Ken member is Apostosis, who just released an album and video

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